Over the past year I've enjoyed posting pictures on the Capture Minnesota website, along with hundreds of other photographers around the state. It has been fun to see the wide range of pictures taken from folks around Minnesota.
I was pleased to have a couple of pictures selected for the Capture Minnesota book that was produced this past spring. With hundreds of photographs still coming every day they will be producing another book this coming winter.
Pictured below are some of the shots that I've uploaded to this site. You can find more when you're on the Capture Minnesota site by searching under the name "Dano".
If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning, torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day... EB White
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Government funding of faith-based nonprofits
It was interesting to read about how Hennepin County tax
dollars are being spent. Listed among many organizations in the county's 2011 financial statement recipients in the Public Aid category were:
Catholic Charities: $293,526
Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches, $150,264
Jewish Family and Children’s Services, $587,608
Lutheran Social Services, $566,912
Many faith-based organizations, such as these, rely heavily
on county, state and federal tax dollars to provide services. So, when it is suggested that the government
slash funding for social services, and allow churches, temples, mosques and faith based organizations to pick
up the slack, it would dramatically reduce services provided by many faith-based nonprofits serving those in need.
Presidential candidate Mitt Romney belongs to the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which has a strong expectation of its
members to give 10 percent to the church, some of which is targeted to help out
Mormans in need. This level of giving is not nearly as great among most other religious groups. Even though individual giving to places of worship may be high, they commonly prioritize their own financial needs (church
mortage, pastor, music, lights, heat…) before feeding the hungry, housing the
homeless, or caring for orphans, the mentally/physically ill, children and the
elderly. Knowing that churches and faith-based groups can't do it alone, we developed a social contract in this country that includes paying taxes to care for those most in need.
An article “How Romney/Ryan would undermine churches and faith-based charities" elaborates how unrealistic it would be for the faith community to adequately respond to proposed government cuts. There is simply no way on God's green earth that faith-based organizations and places of worship could or would fill the void left by taking away tax supported medicare, medicaid, food stamps, and social security. If we remove the safety net there will be millions of people falling through, with little if anything to support them.
Some of us were born with strong family connections, bright minds, good looks, physical and mental health, the right color and gender, enjoyed nutritional meals, were competitive, lived in safe neighborhoods, attended the right schools, and made good investments. Others were far less fortunate. Some call taxes to support those less fortunate a "redistribution of wealth", for others it is simply a just and compassionate response.
Some of us were born with strong family connections, bright minds, good looks, physical and mental health, the right color and gender, enjoyed nutritional meals, were competitive, lived in safe neighborhoods, attended the right schools, and made good investments. Others were far less fortunate.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Canada Geese in flight
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Cultivating change through gardening
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Cabbage from the garden |
One of the prisoners at Red Wing, Cory Shilling, reflected on his gardening experience... "It sounds cliched. But doing something for someone else, feeding hungry children... it builds self-esteem. I had to come to prison to learn it, and I'm grateful for the lesson."
Monday, September 24, 2012
The power of walking
Recently I was visiting with a fellow walker about the tremendous return on investment (ROI) that one gets from walking. It takes very little other than some of our time, a good pair of shoes and comfortable clothing to enjoy the many benefits of walking.
According to researchers, just 30 minutes of regular brisk walking - about the pace if you are trying to reach a bus before it pulls away - can help lower your cholesterol, risk of stroke and some cancers, and it can improve your cognitive function and blood pressure. How's that for a great ROI?
According to researchers, just 30 minutes of regular brisk walking - about the pace if you are trying to reach a bus before it pulls away - can help lower your cholesterol, risk of stroke and some cancers, and it can improve your cognitive function and blood pressure. How's that for a great ROI?
An article in USA Weekend, "The power of walking", speaks to the growing trend in walking among Americans; 145 million and counting. Unfortunately, there are still too many people think they need to buy a fancy sweatsuit and gym membership to get some exercise, when all they really need to do is lace up their shoes and head out the door for a walk.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Lefse and a 5K

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Prize mug |
Following the run there was live music, Surly beer and more lefse! For those of us who rode our bikes we were rewarded with an extra cup of beer. I was extra pleased to receive a handcrafted mug, filled with beer, as a result of placing second in the 5K race. I must confess that three beers before noon is a bit more than I'm used to ;-) Thankfully I avoided any bike accidents on the ride home, and a possible RUI (riding while intoxicated).
Saturday, September 22, 2012
International Day of Peace and the Peace Pilgrim
Did you know that yesterday, September 21st, was the International Day of Peace? Neither did I until just yesterday. I guess it just isn't a big commercial hit, like such an important holiday as Halloween.
While researching this topic I was surprised to learn of a woman who became "Peace Pilgrim" and walked 25,000 miles as a penniless sojourner, while sharing the message of peace. Following are some of her thoughts about attaining inner peace. More detail is provided from the Peace Pilgrim website.
1. Assume right attitude toward life
While researching this topic I was surprised to learn of a woman who became "Peace Pilgrim" and walked 25,000 miles as a penniless sojourner, while sharing the message of peace. Following are some of her thoughts about attaining inner peace. More detail is provided from the Peace Pilgrim website.
1. Assume right attitude toward life
2. Live good beliefs.
3. Find your place in the Life Pattern.
4. Simplify life to bring inner and outer well-being into harmony.
1. Purification of the bodily temple.
2. Purification of the thoughts.
3. Purification of the desires.
4. Purification of motives.
1. Relinquishment of self-will.
2. Relinquishment of the feeling of separateness.
3. Relinquishment of attachments.
4. Relinquishment of all negative feelings.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Climate change video... "Our Biggest Challenge"
Check out "Our biggest challenge" video produced with help from Bill Nye, David Attenborough, Richard Alley and Isaac Asimov. This four minute video addresses the challenge of global climate change.
Even the small things which we to be better stewards of the environment can make a big difference.
Even the small things which we to be better stewards of the environment can make a big difference.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Obesity rates climbing at alarming rates
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Going for a walk |
In order to curb our nation's growing weight problem the following recommendations were made:
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
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Bassett Creek |
Like much of the United Sates we have had a dry summer and start to fall. Many of the trees are prematurely losing their leaves.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
American Goldfinches
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Goldfinches |
Pictured at right are some of the females, who aren't quite as brightly colored as the males.
These finches also enjoy snacking on sunflower seeds from our backyard feeder. As you might imagine, a flock of them can go through a lot of seeds quickly.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Inconvenient truth about football
A StarTribune article, The truth behind the death of a Vikings legend, noted how researchers are discovering that the physical impact from games like football is likely causing repetitive brain trauma. Thanks to Wally Hilgenberg's family for donating his brain to researchers in Boston. This however presents an inconvenient truth about the long-term consequences of football, a popular American sport.
Instead of passively watching football it would be far for people's physical and mental health to choose from the great abundance of non contact sports and just "do it". As for people that want to continue to play the game, it is still a free country! Just don't expect me to watch your games.
PS I have great admiration for Wally and Mary Hilgenberg and their son Eric. For many years they mentored Matt, a young man through Kinship. Matt came from a troubled home environment in South Minneapolis. Thanks in large part to the encouragement and support he received from the Hilgenbergs he graduated from law school. Eric Hilgenberg serve as the best man at his wedding.
PSS Minnesota Public Radio had a show on this topic just this morning, Is the NFL concerned by head injuries?
Instead of passively watching football it would be far for people's physical and mental health to choose from the great abundance of non contact sports and just "do it". As for people that want to continue to play the game, it is still a free country! Just don't expect me to watch your games.
PS I have great admiration for Wally and Mary Hilgenberg and their son Eric. For many years they mentored Matt, a young man through Kinship. Matt came from a troubled home environment in South Minneapolis. Thanks in large part to the encouragement and support he received from the Hilgenbergs he graduated from law school. Eric Hilgenberg serve as the best man at his wedding.
PSS Minnesota Public Radio had a show on this topic just this morning, Is the NFL concerned by head injuries?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Blue and White
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Great Blue Heron and Great Egret |
A heron is blue,
an egret is white.
Together they fish,
both day and night.
What a beautiful sight!
Nearby the Swamp Milkweed was disbursing its seeds, while glistening in the morning sun.
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Swamp Milkweed |
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Gray Catbird
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Gray Catbird |
It didn't appear to be too camera shy, for which I was thankful.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Fall in the air
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Diets for top performances and daily survival
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Cabbage |
While many children and young people struggle with simply getting enough to eat, others are focused on high performance diets. In the StarTribune an article, Top athletes believe diet is key to success, notes how many young people are giving up soda, and eating heathy foods to improve their athletic performances. We got rid of pop in our house after our daughter's cross country coach let the runners know how bad it was for them.
I'm pleased to report that the Victory-Peace garden at our church has donated over 200 pounds of fresh vegetables to the local food shelf at PRISM.
Monday, September 10, 2012
What kind of capitalist would Jesus be?
It seems almost mandatory for political candidates running
for a national office here in the US to declare their identity as Christians, of one sort or
another. It was scandalous for some to
suggest President Obama might actually be a Muslim.
All of this Bible banging by politicians has caused me to wonder about how Jesus became associated with capitalism. Consider some Biblical teachings…
If you have a spare coat, give it away! (Luke
Don’t store up treasures on earth (Matthew 6:19)
Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s (Mark 12:17)
Don’ t charge interest (Deuteronomy 23::19-20)
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the
earth (Matthew 5:5)
Whatever to do to the least of these, you do
unto me (Matthew 25:40)
As the “great healer”, (Matthew 9: 12–13) I also wonder what
Jesus would think of the world’s wealthiest nation that doesn’t provide
universal health care?
What kind of capitalist would Jesus be? Not a very good one it seems...
Eagle scout project at Victory-Peace Garden
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Drilling a hole for the foundation of the trellis |
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Enjoying the new bench by the entrance of the Victory-Peace Garden |
Did you know that in the past 100 years since the Eagle Scout award has been established only about 2-4 percent of the Boy Scouts receive this high level of achievement. This award has been identified by some as "the Ph.D. of Boyhood." It is estimated that more than 100 million hours of service have been provided over the past century by Eagle Scouts (A century of Eagle Scouts).
Way to go scouts!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Cross country: no train, no gain
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Crossing the finish line |
One of the things I admire most about cross country, and those who run, is the discipline required to become good. There are no short cuts to becoming a great runner. It often involves running outside in the cold, heat, wind, rain or snow. Running just a bit harder than is comfortable is also essential much of the time. While it helps to have the right body type, even that can be dramatically enhanced with steady training.
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Bringing it home strong |
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Running the trail |
Special kudos to Minneapolis Washburn High School cross country team, that ran spectacularly!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Sage running advise
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Start of boy's cross country race |
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Girls storming up the hill |
Friday, September 7, 2012
Canning jelly and pickles
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Canned pickles and grape jelly |
This then prompted a bike ride to the grocery store to purchase pectin for the jam recipe. I next biked to the hardware store to get jar lid covers, cheese cloth and a funnel.
Next step involved straining the grapes. Then it was cooking the grapes, with lots and lots of added sugar. After that I funneled the jam into previously sterilized jars, sealed and submerged them in boiling water to complete the deal.
Since I was set up for canning I decided to put up a few jars of pickles, using cucumbers from our garden. This was pretty quick, since we already had the dill, vinegar, onions, garlic and salt on hand.
I have renewed appreciation for previous generations who went through the rather laborious process of canning much of their food.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Groomed to consume
Earlier this week, while running around the park, I noticed a young guy riding a large red plastic battery operated fire truck. His grandmother was riding a bike nearby. I couldn't help but think about how this little guy was being groomed to be a passive consumer of battery powered gizmos.
The day before I saw a couple of boys, of about the same age, who were tooling around the park on bikes with training wheels. How much better it was for them to be getting exercise, while also powering themselves in order to get to the places they wanted to go.
A story in the StarTribune, Lunchroom menus push healthy foods, noted how new school lunch menus were being developed for students that included more fruits and vegetables and fewer calories. This is in response to an obesity rate of 17 percent among American children. What a good thing it is for children to be groomed to consume heathy foods. While some adults fear that kids won't eat healthy foods, the nutrition director for the Minneapolis School District, Bertrand Weber, noted "Kids will eat the food if it's presented well, if it tastes good and if we keep reinforcing and keep doing it over and over again." Isn't it great that we might begin grooming kids in school to consume healthy foods?!
The day before I saw a couple of boys, of about the same age, who were tooling around the park on bikes with training wheels. How much better it was for them to be getting exercise, while also powering themselves in order to get to the places they wanted to go.
A story in the StarTribune, Lunchroom menus push healthy foods, noted how new school lunch menus were being developed for students that included more fruits and vegetables and fewer calories. This is in response to an obesity rate of 17 percent among American children. What a good thing it is for children to be groomed to consume heathy foods. While some adults fear that kids won't eat healthy foods, the nutrition director for the Minneapolis School District, Bertrand Weber, noted "Kids will eat the food if it's presented well, if it tastes good and if we keep reinforcing and keep doing it over and over again." Isn't it great that we might begin grooming kids in school to consume healthy foods?!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The power of persistence
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Persistent Sunflower |
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Labor Day anger
While mowing the front yard yesterday I instinctively waved to a passing car. While waving, with my red ear muffs on, it appeared a passenger was yelling out some inflammatory remarks. Perhaps he read one on my recent blogs about "being mad as hell, and not going to take it any longer?".
I'm guessing there is a strong chance that his hostile drive by passenger is a part of the 99 percent, many of whom have seen their financial outlooks become ever bleaker in recent years, while the 1 percent continues to soar. With uncontrolled, laissez-faire economics it is said that "the rich man's dog will drink the milk the poor man's child needs to survive."
I expect we will, and should, hear more from people who have become disenfranchised by the economic disparity between racial groups and social classes. Many formerly among the middle class are now strugglng to make ends meet, and have joined the growing ranks of working poor. These past three years the US has not raised its federal minimum wage from $7.25 per hour, which equates to $15,080 for a year. How well do you think you might live on this?
The 99% Spring is a network of organizations that among other things are working to train people to take action regarding economic injustice. They've got an online training to help people take action on their website, The 99% Spring.
I'm guessing there is a strong chance that his hostile drive by passenger is a part of the 99 percent, many of whom have seen their financial outlooks become ever bleaker in recent years, while the 1 percent continues to soar. With uncontrolled, laissez-faire economics it is said that "the rich man's dog will drink the milk the poor man's child needs to survive."

The 99% Spring is a network of organizations that among other things are working to train people to take action regarding economic injustice. They've got an online training to help people take action on their website, The 99% Spring.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Corporate take over of nonprofit and government sectors
Have you noticed?
Business is taking over… the government and nonprofits are all being
gradually redirected by corporate, as in ‘business’, interests. If only these interests were truly ‘corporate”,
as in our ‘common good’.
Consider the common corporate belief that bigger is better.
This belief has been forced onto other sectors. Supersizing isn’t just for fast
food menus; nonprofit and school mergers have become popular. This has happened despite studies that have
proven smaller schools are more effective in educating students than larger
ones. Efficiency and reduction in costs have
become much bigger priorities. The recently proposed nonprofit healthcare
merger between Health Partners and Blue Cross Blue Shield is an example. If you
are a business, and you get big enough, you become “to big to fail” and can
expect taxpayers to come to your aid.
Public education has become suspect. Unions are demonized.
Schools are becoming more business like. Instead of taxes paying for our
children’s extracurricular activities they now have fees. If you child wants to be in debate, drama or
a sports team, be ready to pay extra.
The business world’s outcry for testing has created a
testing industry within education. As a
math tutor I’ve witnessed how third grade children and teachers are stressed about
passing their Minnesota Comprehensive Exams. How is it that so many of our current
business, government and nonprofit leaders were able to succeed, when their
early schooling was diluted with classes like art, gym, music, and home
economics? Isn’t innovative and creative thinking still vital to success in the
21st century? With our nation’s obesity epidemic don’t we need to
teach our children about nutrition and encourage physical activity? These
things are just as critical to our nation’s future and “bottom line” as the
core subjects of reading, writing and arithmetic, and yes, of course, Microsoft
The one area where bigger isn’t better, according to most
corporate interests, is the government, aka the arch nemesis of unbridled
business. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and all the other
government institutions that go by an acronym and have a role in checking the
power of business have come under immense scrutiny and budget cutting pressure.
Nonprofits and government agencies being pushed to become
“social entrepreneurs” by incorporating profitable business models into their
services. As if it weren’t hard enough to manage a nonprofit, government
agency, now they need to become successful at business too! Watch out, public libraries might soon be
charging to check out popular books or our public highways might charge extra
for those that can afford to use express lanes. Oh wait, those things have
already happened…
While serving as the
Executive Director of a nonprofit organization I had a well meaning, successful
businessman on the board of directors who suggested that in order to save costs
we might consider outsourcing our receptionist functions to workers in India. The business approach has even drifted
into the faith communities. Mega churches now have “executive pastors”, who are
simply glorified business administrators.
Why is it that
business has become the dominant sector at this point in our nation’s
history? Perhaps as Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof observed… “when
you’re rich they really think you know!?”. Or maybe many have a delusional
belief that they too will become a part of the one percent club?
President Obama has been discredited for being a “community
organizer”, and so wouldn’t know about running the business of government.
Isn’t our government supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the
people? Last time I checked corporations are not people. Governmental agencies and nonprofits deserve our
admiration and support for the work they do in meeting the unmet needs of people
and the environment. A healthy, civil society benefits by a respectful balance
of strong government, nonprofit and business sectors.
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