Thursday, October 18, 2012

What was missing in the presidential debates

Sojourners, a Christian social justice organization, noted the following important issues have been missing from the presidential debates:
  • Poverty: To spark conversation about poverty during election season, Sojourners just released a documentary called The Line, which highlights stories from 4 people living under the poverty line.

  • Stewardship of God’s creation: Scientists are now starting to connect the dots between severe weather events and global climate change. This should be a top issue for our next president. We believe that as Christians we’re called to protect clean air and water and work toward a renewable energy future. 

  • Elimination of nuclear weapons: The staggering counts of nuclear warheads in our world aren’t in line with Christian values of peace and restraint of violence. The candidates ought to support peace – in Afghanistan by ending drone attacks and globally by using international law to counter terrorism. 

  • Get money out of politics: One person equals one vote – buying elections is immoral. 
Throughout the debates it seems that painting the other candidate as weak, and blaming them for there past record has more important than looking toward the future and sharing a vision that will benefit the earth and all of its citizens. While I'm wishing for things, wouldn't it be nice if they could be civil too?
"Speak out.  Judge righteously. Defend the poor."   (Proverbs 31:9)

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