Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Paradoxical truth

Ice crytals formed by pond's outlet
As referenced in an earlier blog, I'm  a big fan of paradox.  G.K. Chesterton noted that paradox has been defined as "Truth standing on her head to get attention."  An article written by Graham Priest in the New York Times makes a case for paradox, recognizing that truth can accompany things which we might consider a paradox e.g. beyond belief.   It is a bit of a challenging read, but if you find these things interesting, I would encourage you to take a look at Professor Graham's NY Times article (link above). 

A comment by Joe Runciter regarding this article, "Paradoxical Truth", noted the following:

Ice crystals by open water
There is a world outside of Western philosophy that is more intimately familiar with contradiction. For thousands of years the East has known that a statement can be either:

(1) true,
(2) false,
(3) both true and false, or:
(4) neither true nor false

To this can be added: "all of the above", or "none of the above". Learning to accept conceptual paradox without experiencing a headache is the beginning of wisdom.

I'm also a fan of the saying, sometimes attributed to Soren Kirkegaard, "Life is a mystery to be lived, not a puzzle to be solved." 

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