Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crossing over the line... what are we going to do about it?

I was taken aback while strolling through the mall to see in a black t-shirt with all large pink lettering… “EVERY DAMN DAY, JUST DO IT”. This was prominently displayed in the front window at the Lady Footlocker store. This was a Nike product taken to the next level to get our attention. It got mine.

Upon expressing concern to the store worker he noted a large store ad that went even further over the line. It was a photo of a woman clothed in black panties wearing Reebok athletic shoes while holding on to a vacuum cleaner. This was an ad for Reebok Reetone. The print ad is modest in comparison to Reebok’s video commercials featuring the curvy Kelly Brook.

I would encourage all to express concern when visiting stores that you feel cross over the civility line. In addition to visiting with the store manager you can drop a letter and or email to the companies that are producing provocative/offensive products or advertising.

Lady or Tramp Footlocker? I’m afraid it appears to be heading toward the latter.

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