Monday, February 27, 2012

The Oscars and people of importance

How many of the past 10 year's Oscar award winners can you remember?  While last night's Academy Awards seemed like such a momentous occasion, the importance and focus quickly fades as we all move on with our lives.  It really doesn't have lasting significance.

Think about the people that have mattered in your life. If you're like me those people are most likely to be teachers, family members, coaches, neighbors, and others who you know really cared about you and who were willing to invest in you future.

Most of us are not likely ever going to win an Oscar award, but we can have an even greater impact in the life of another person by simply showing them we care.  We do this by listening, encouraging, teaching, challenging and simply being there for them over time.  Who needs an Oscar, when we can be a real hero to a child in a neighborhood school through tutoring, or by visiting a shut in from our place of worship or spending time listening to a family member going through a rough time?

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