Monday, July 29, 2013

Americans with too much stuff

The reason why we in the United States have too much stuff may well be directly related to our search for meaning, support and affirmation from our stuff, instead of from other people. This problem of too much stuff is also fueled by a value system that believes more is better. A great example of the "more is better" mantra is currently being utilized in a massive advertising campaign by ATT. They interview children about why they think more is better..."It's not complicated "More".

An article in the StarTribuneBeating clutter is mind over matter, according to home organizing pro, provides additional information on ways in which we might work to de-clutter our lives.  Hint, it requires starting with a thought provoking question... "What's your vision for the life you want and the home you want?"

Elsewhere in the paper an article "A boost for living small", discusses a growing demand for smaller housing units, which may require an increase in the city of Minneapolis' current allowable housing density.

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