Bursting with color,
spring flowers exude great joy.
Come and feel the joy!
Reflection of sticks
creating a fish image
on a wave less pond.
Wood duck and ducklings
off on a good morning swim...
hanging together.
A family of geese
swim by the great blue heron
in the morning fog.
A great blue heron
stands still, silently gazing...
waiting for breakfast.
A family of geese
swimming in the spring colors,
enjoying the pond.
The summer begins!
Unfolding fiddle-head ferns
backed up with lilac.
A gosling breakfast
of sprouted dandelion heads.
Oh, so delicious!
Gosling explorer
checks out its environment.
Hope she likes the pond!
A tern looks for fish
in the pond at Bassett Creek.
He must have good eyes!
Some fiddlehead ferns
quietly make their music
for us to enjoy!
A wild turkey
takes a quick moment to pose,
foraging for food .
Ready to blossom
a wildflower awaiting
its moment to shine.
Look, a signing tree...
A Baltimore Oriole
gives the tree its voice!
A Canada Goose
swims ahead of her goslings.
Follow her closely!
Over Bassett Creek
maple leaves quietly sprout.
Be still and enjoy.
Maple leaves and seeds
are sprouting fresh once again.
Miracle of life!
Ducklings have arrived.
They look for food with their mom,
wading in the pond.
Life is blossoming.
Great beauty is on display.
Look around and see!
Goslings exploring...
peering over the new grass
how interesting!
An over looker,
watching the traffic go by...
unfazed by it all.
Flowering trees burst forth.
At their moment of full bloom.
Fruit will be coming!
Mallard at twilight
swimming alone with his thoughts.
Enjoy the evening!
A sure sign of spring,
bleeding hearts bursting out bright.
What a lovely sight!
Perched in tamarack
mourning dove in morning light
looking oh so bright.
Maple leaves sprouting
out and over Bassett Creek.
What a lovely sight.
A wood duck couple,
staying together for life
no ducklings quite yet...
One must look closely...
Popping up through dried leaves.
Wow... Wildflowers!
Lover of marshes,
now boasting fresh green needles.
A tamarack tree!
Full spring moon rises
up over the flowering tree.
Both transient beauties!
Brightly lit blossoms
celebrate vitality
for us all to see.
Cooper's hawk hunting...
looking for something to eat.
Watch out all you mice!